Monday, September 10, 2012

Guest Bloggers and this week...

This week, we will introduce the thousands period and compare 4 digit numbers.  We will also be looking at number patterns in math.  In science, we will start matter by reviewing solids, liquids, and gases.  We will do a lab about the three states of matter. 

We will be having our first problem solving and mad minute for a grade this week.  Please have your kids practice their math facts daily for 10 minutes.  We are practicing the steps of problem solving in math.
I am trying something new this year. 

We're going to have guest bloggers to tell you what we've done in school this week.  I hope you enjoy it!  If you would like your child to be a guest blogger, please make sure you fill out a Parent Authorization Form from SBISD.  It should have been sent home in the first Tuesday Folder on the first day of school.