Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome 2013!

I hope you're ready for 2013 because it's here!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  Just a few reminders of what is coming up in the coming weeks:

January 14th - WCE Spelling Bee  at 4pm in the cafeteria
January 21st - No School (MLK Holiday)

Now that the 3rd nine weeks is starting, we're going to start having multiplication on the mad minutes!  Please make sure you practice with your children at home on their multiplication facts!  By the end of 3rd grade, they should have their 0x, 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x facts memorized.  If they already have those memorized, please start on the rest so that they will be better prepared for 4th grade!

I apologize for not posting these videos from the last couple of weeks of school earlier!  I even had these two give me a better explanation on what we've learned and this is what I got!

Presenting the bloggers for December: